Ecig Glossary
Analog Cigarettes - used to refer to "old fashioned" cigarettes.
Atomize: Transformation of e-liquid into fine particles known as vapour
Atomizer: electronic component that turns the nicotine solution contained within the e-cigarette into vapour.
Atty: Abbreviation for atomizer.
Automatic: Electronic cigarettes which automatically activates the heating element when you inhale.
Bottom Coil Clearomizer (BCC): A clearomizer where the atomizer and heating coil is located at the bottom of the clearomizer. Usually also filled from the bottom end of the clearomizer rather than from the top.
Bottom Dual Coil Clearomizer (BDC): A bottom coil clearomizer with two coils. Provides more vapour and a stronger throat hit, but uses up batteries quicker than a single coil clearomizer.
BVC : bottom vertical coil
Bottom Feeder: Refers to clearomizers where the atomizer is at the bottom of the coil, rather than at the top.
Cartomizer: A combined cartridge and atomiser. Sometimes used to refer to a disposable electronic cigarette.
Carts: Abbreviation of cartridges, which contain the propylene glycol solution which give the vapour of an electronic cigarette.
Clearomizer: A combined cartridge
and atomizer with clear walls, which allow the user to see how much
eliquid remains in the cartridge.
Chain Vaping: constantly vaping. Also known as Pacifier Vaping.
Coil: A coil of wire which makes up part of the atomizer. The resistance of the coil determines how much heat and vapour is produced.
Cigalike: An electronic cigarette that closely resembles a tobacco cigarette. Eg joyetech 510
Disposable E-Cigarette: Designed to be thrown away after its e-juice has dried up.
Dipping: Refers to dipping an atomizer into e-liquid prior to smoking.
Dripping: Can refer to dripping a drop of e-juice on to an atomizer prior to smoking. Must be done with care to avoid damaging the atomizer.
Drip tips: Were originally used to refer to a device used to drip several drops of eliquid directly onto an an atomizer. Now sometimes used to refer to the mouthpiece of an electronic cigarette.
Electronic Cigar: similar to the electronic cigarette (see below) but with a cigar style and flavour.
Electronic Cigarette: a cigarette where an atomizer vaporises the nicotine which is then inhaled as vapour as compared to the smoke normally inhaled.
Also known as the E-Cigarette, the E-Cig
Electronic Cigarette Starter Kits: Complete kits which normally contain batteries, atomizers, chargers, a manual and cartridges.
E-liquid: Electronic cigarette liquid
ENDs: Electronic Nicotine Devices, another term for electronic cigarettes. Frequently used in scientific papers on e-cigarettes. Some vapers like the term as it suggests the END of smoking.
E-Pipe: If you have read the other two you can probably work out what an E-Pipe is...
E-Smoking: Smoking with an electronic cigarette.
Filler Material: A material placed inside ecigarette cartridges which soaks up and holds eliquid.
Flooding: Occurs when e-liquid floods into the atomizer.
French Hit: Refers to a specific way of vaping. You inhale the vapour, remove the ecigarette from your mouth, allow the vapour to drift out of your mouth, and the reinhale through your nose. Also known as Irish Waterfall.
Hot Cigarette: Another term for an analog (traditional) cigarette.
LED: The light at the end of the cigarette. This lights up when the user inhales, resembling an analog. Depending on the model, the LED may convey information to the user about the battery, i.e. flashing when the battery is running out or glowing green to show it is fully charged.
Lung Inhale: When you inhale vapour directly into your lungs. This is unusual with ecigarettes, as most people inhale into their mouths first.
Manual: Refers to electronic cigarettes with a button which, when depressed, fires up the battery. Used in contrast to automatic ecigarettes.
Mini-Cigarette: Ssmaller than the average e-cigarette, the mini-cigarette is actually the same size as the average lookalike e-cigarette.
Mod: Name for an electronic cigarette which has been modified into a unique design.
Mouthpiece: replaces the butt of an analog.
Pacifier Vaping: See chain vaping.
Ohm: Used to measure the resistance of heating coils in atomizers.
OCC: Organioc cotton coil
OVC: Organic vertical coil
Pen-Style: A particular style of electronic cigarette, known for its resemblance to a ball point pen.
Passthrough: Device that plugs directly into a computer or USB charger so that users can vape without having to worry about recharging their electronic cigarette.
Primer Puff: When you take a short sharp drag on your ecigarette to activate the atomizer. Not usually necessary unless your ecigarette has been standing for a while and the atomiser is dry.
Propylene Glycol: A colourless liquid that forms the majority of the solution in the Electronic Cigarette. The liquid has been extensively tested for safety.
Personal Vaporiser (or PV): A alternative name for the electronic cigarette.
RDA : Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer
RTA : Rebuildable Tank Atomizer
Resistance: Refers to the resistance of the coil in the atomiser (measured in Ohms). A lower resistance produces more heat and vapour.
Ruyyan Cigarette: The original electronic cigarette - usually has a coloured tip.
Second Generation ECigarettes: Used by scientists to refer to tank systems, with cigalikes being first generation e-cigarettes.
Smoke-juice: Another phrase for E-liquid.
Smokeless Cigarette: Alternative phrase for
electronic cigarette. Not commonly used by vapers, but often used in
media stories about electronic cigarettes.
Throat Kick/ Throat Hit: The definition seems to
vary according to the e-smoker, but essentially the feeling when the
vapor hits your throat. Positive reviews of electronic cigarettes often
mention a good "Throat kick."
THR: Tobacco Harm Reduction: Much of the scientific support for the electronic cigarette has come from scientists involved in tobacco harm reduction.
Topping: Topping up a cartridge with e-juice. Also known as topping off.
Wick: A small piece of fabric or cotton which is found in the cartridge, and which holds the e-juice.
Vape: To inhale vapour an electronic cigarette.
Vaper: A person who vapes (uses an electronic cigarette).
Vaping: The habit/pastime of using electronic cigarettes.
Vaper's Tongue: Refers to a loss of taste, from suddenly going off a flavour to losing all taste for flavours. for more information.
Variable Voltage: e.g. Variable Voltage batteries. These allow you vary the volage passing through your atomizer.
VG: Vegetable Glycerine: Vegetable glycerine is a clear, colourless, odourless but very sweet liquid used as an alternative to propylene glycol by vapers who mix their own liquid. Some vapers maintain it increases vapour production.
The ingredients used in eliquid is mainly VG and PG
vegetable glycerine, and propylene glycol
100% VG is also common but has no throat hit but lots of vapor